Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year! What's Your Resolution?

Happy 2013 folks!  Hope you rang in the new year and slid down the fiscal cliff with glitter and tasty beverages.  I didn't even make it until midnight...a sure sign that I'm getting old.  I've never been great about resolutions, but 2012 was the year of gifts in disguise, so I'm curious what 2013 has in store.  Let's see...I found a great new job, get paid (on occasion) to pursue my passion, and made some great new friends.  Thank you 2012!  Oh right,  I didn't give you all the update.  I got a job in December in my field!!!  Take that people who think you should just settle for less if you find yourself unemployed.

Now, for resolutions...  I l pledge to update this blog on a weekly basis.  And I also pledge to take more pictures this year, since it looks like it's going to be a great year, and I want to capture the special times.  People of the Internet, what's your New Year's Resolution?

1 comment:

  1. I see *SOMEONE* is already breaking their new year pledge of updating their blog on a weekly basis ;)
